Viral: Party drugs look like cute vitamins

Former Interior Secretary Rafael Alunan III took to social media to his worries about the party drugs which look like cute vitamins.

This is regarding about the five concert goers who have died after taking what is believed to be  party drugs at a party event in Pasay City.

In his post, Alunan, who run for the senate recently warned the public to be aware of the party drugs which look like exactly the cute vitamins sold nearby schools.


Drugs like Ecstasy look like cute vitamin pills to attract our young! Our kids are at risk – being turned into adddicts and potential criminals to sustain their habit.

The givernment should clean house asap, conduct no-nonsense intelligence, counter-intelligence and direct action against the syndicates, from the top honchos down to their pushers, enforcers and protectiors.

Drug victims will require 24/7 professional rehab until they’re off the habit for good. Parents and schools should collaborate pro-actively to shield the young from this menace.

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