Benilde #BSORGLIFE: Beyond the Ordinary [event]

This year is truly a test of times and various institutions are thinking of innovative ways they can adapt to the new normal. Being the pioneer of innovation, this year the De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde through the Center for Student Life-Student Involvement Unit, the Benilde Committee on Student Involvement (BCSI), and the Accredited and Recognized Student Organization (ARSO) welcomes Benilde froshies and upperclassmen to a whole new dimension in Student Involvement Week 1 (SI Week 1).

Every term, the BCSI organizes the SI Week as a recruitment activity and promotional event for all the Accredited and Recognized Student Organizations of De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde. Throughout the week, these organizations showcase their activities and services to the student body in order to entice old and new students to join their organization. For the Academic Year 2020-2021, forty (40) organizations will be opening their doors to the diverse talent and core competencies they can offer to the Benildean community with the goal of imbuing the Benildean Expressions and Core Values.

Being the main coordinating body of all duly Accredited and Recognized student organizations in Benilde, the challenge for BCSI this year is how they can bring the #BSORGLIFE experience from campus into the different homes of the Benildean community. This year’s theme for SI Week is “Resurgence” which means to rise again despite the many challenges and difficulties the world has been facing lately; it’s time to rise from the occasion and claim resurgence.

The Student Involvement Week 1 will be happening from October 12 to 17, 2020 and will be launched through a website that includes a live-streaming event during the opening and closing of the festivities that will take place on Facebook.

Access the website here:
