A Very Special Art Trade: benefit event on Oct 15 @ Mandaulyong [event]



Art Trade MNL, the country’s pioneer and premier art trade event where artists, art enthusiasts, young and old can create, share, trade & receive love in the form of wonderful works of art, invites you to another wonderful event!

A Very Special Art Trade is an art trade event dedicated to empower people with special needs to recognize their skills in their creative work and emphasizing their different abilities through art. It will feature inspiring stories from different outstanding people with special needs and who are SPED advocates, amazing performances, wonderful art exhibits, art activities, art stalls and food stalls.

Everyone is welcome to attend this event! Eat, drink, make art, trade art, buy art, listen to stories, watch amazing performances! Bring your friends, bring your kids, nephews, and cousins! Or even better, bring someone special!

This is a fund raising event for Learning and Beyond Childcare and Intervention Center

What: A Very Special Art Trade by Art Trade MNL
When: 10AM-8PM October 15, 2016
Where: 3rd Floor Peaksun Bldg, Shaw Blvd Cor. Princeton St., Mandaluyong CityHow much: Php 300 (regular); Php 200 (student)
Who: For inquiries, contact Iz Lacson at +63.917 895.0656
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