Batibot App Launch by Smart for Kinder up to Grade 3


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Tayo na  sa Batibot, Tayo na, tayo na

Mga bata sa Batibot……………….

I know you are familiar with that song if you are from the 80’s.  It the show that was popular to r the children and the children at heart. There are so much learning on that TV show and now it will be once again enjoy by the children because Batibot is now available on android.

The Batibot Android application was recently launched by mobile leader Smart Communication, was designed specifically for kids in kindergarten up to Grade 3.


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There are fun-filled games on the app where children on their formative years can develop essential thinking skills. They can learn basic concepts like matching, sorting and grouping. They are shown how to identify shape, colors, numbers , the alphabet sound, and letter sound. The children can also practice tracing letters with the proper strokes

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The Batibot App, which can be downloaded for free , also supports early literacy by nurturing children’s love for storytelling.

Developed in  collaboration with the Community Learners Foundation ( COLF) and startup partner OrangeFix, the Batibot App is the first learning app in Filipino that is aligned with the national kindergarten curriculum of the DepED.

To know more about Smart’s education initiatives,as well as how to sponsor smart Technocarts for schools, please visit

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