Green Movement, Green Footprints Movement
Green Movement, Green Footprints Movement

The Green Footprints Movement Launched

The Green Footprints Movement Launched

Green Footprints Movement
Green Movement, Green Footprints Movement

The Green Footprints Movement was recently launched by Concepcion Industrial Corp. (CIC) through its subsidiary Concepcion-Carrier Air Conditioning Co. (CCAC) at Blackbird Restaurant in Makati City.

green earth

“We have to start caring for the one and only planet we have. After all, there is no planet B,” CIC chief executive officer Raul Joseph Concepcion states.

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At the same event, Concepcion happily announced CCAC’s engineering solutions to effectively control the worsening dilemma of our ozone layer.  He encourage the shift of all industries to use non-ozone depleting substance air conditioning unit like those which carries R-410A substance.


CCAC now uses on its the latest air-conditioning units the R-410A unit of coolant. It is said to be the latest innovation in air conditioning system. Concepcion lamented that it is one of the results of the Php100-million yearly allocation of CIC to research and development to make sure all of their products are free from toxic chemicals that contribute to climate change. R-410A (which contains only fluorine) does not contribute to ozone depletion, and is therefore becoming more widely used, as ozone-depleting refrigerants like R-22 are phased out.

He was sad to note though that the growing movement to raise global public awareness on climate change seems to be ineffective because 60 percent of the world’s more than six billion population think climate change doesn’t pose serious threat to mankind.

“Very few people realize that the impact of climate change is catastrophic,” the CEO states.

He compared all the people in the planet to frogs who are slowly being boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to significant changes that occur gradually.

frog soup

“We are the frogs in this anecdote and very few of us know the fatal effect of not taking care of the environment,” the official added.

Under the Green Footprints Movement, CIC will work hard to create awareness through consumer education with the campaign focused on making information on environment impact reduction available to a wider audience.

green footprints movement

Based on Al Gore’s documentary where he based his speech, Concepcion said the global average temperature is rising by 1.5 percent each year.

“Gore said human activity is the root cause of climate change; and we should believe him,” he added.


Be responsible. If you continue destroying the ozone,  destruction will get worse by the day.  No ozone layer, no life on earth, period.

Protect the environment for the future generation.



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