Hero Dog dies after saving 7 People in Ecuador Earthquake

The hero dog Dayko sacrificed his life to save seven people trapped in the wreckage of a catastrophic 7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit the city of Pedarnales in Equador.

The yellow Labrador hero perished from exhaustion. in searching for survivors in the wake of the devastation—a duty he has been fulfilling for three-and-a-half years being part of Ibarra Fire service.

According to a Facebook post from Ibara Fire service’s page, the hero canine dog suddenly collapsed during search operations and eventually died from “massive coronary myocardial infarction and acute respiratory failure”.

Here’s the full post:

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Bulletin No. 123
Firefighters fired one of his classmates from 4 Feet
Dayko the rescue dog that was in the zone 0 died within hours of the morning while it was reviewed by the veterinarian.
Despite the continued efforts of the veterinarian and the manager of the unit for keeping it alive were in vain after giving him a heart attack.
Dayko was a Labrador breed dog of 4 years that admission to the canine school for approximately 3 and a half years when he was barely 1 year and a half, in all that time was able to secure a number of national and international certifications as it says The Cbo. Jorge Ortega, who is in charge of the canine unit of the body of firemen ibarra.
This magnificent can I take part in various events where he demonstrated his good sense of smell, and charisma of help with his guide Alex Yela, with which you entered into a beautiful friendship as it doesn’t count. ” when I’m dayko captivated us all with his tender look, and his friendly nature, but little by little it was demonstrating their skills and qualities which allowed next to my participate in the two certification course in which we show our friendship And commitment to be the best doing really get up to the fire department ibarra and the k9 unit. One of the experiences that happen as a coach was that on one occasion I crawl to the lagoon as it was a lover of gua, and I accidentally I play swim and luckily the drive the ball in my pocket, I was able to launch for him and get out because every one who got into the water there was no human power that he does get out.
In his life bomberil dayko I participate in demonstrations brec in lago agrio, in pasto, Colombia, on the other hand he collaborated on several searches on emeralds, Lita, and in the search for the Frenchman who was lost in the imbabura. Also participated in barrias presentations where they stole the heart of the children for their docile nature, what he was doing that these come and take pictures. But also the applause and the amazement of everyone who looked at him in the canine shows by the impressive jumps that was in the obstacles or to pass the ring of fire.
To the guides that I came to know as yela, cuasquer, Cepeda Or Creole, brought you many joys and considered him a bandit then on several occasions he ways to escape to make us neglect and preñarle to one of our dogs, that did it for two Occasions.
That was dayko that on the day of today left leaving a big void in the canine unit in your guide Alex Yela and in each one of those who knew him, surrounded by the relevant authorities of the body of firemen ibarra, the guides, the candidates of the school Training, and their comrades of fight their furry friends 4 legs with those who shared in the line of duty.
The Sbte, (b) Sairi de la torre fired him expressing a word where recalled that that is the law of the rescuer “today you pass him friend but soon some rescuer will be with you thank you for your company in the area 0”.
For the tcrn.( (b) Fabian Lopez is a great loss to the fire brigade ibarra, because dayko was one of the best in what is search and location of living people since he had international certification, and help in locating a number of disaster victims as happened in diligent years In the back.

The April 16 earthquake is one of the most devastating calamities in the country’s recent history, and has reportedly claimed the lives of at least 654 people while leaving 2,000 others wounded.

You will never be forgotten Dayko!

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