Insomnia by UST Artistang Artlets
Insomnia by UST Artistang Artlets

Insomnia: a twin-bill production staging “Good Mourning” and “Writer’s Block”

UST Artistang Artlets invites you to experience Insomnia, a twin-bill production staging “Good Mourning”, a Rector’s Literary Awardee at the University of Santo Tomas by Michelle Ann Ngu and “Writer’s Block”, an USTETIKA winning piece by John Michael Peña.

Play dates are set for May 9-11, 2017, Tuesday to Thursday, with timeslots of 1pm, 3pm, 5pm and 7pm. The production will be held at the Tan Yan Kee AVR, Tan Yan Kee Building, University of Santo Tomas.

For tickets, contact Kathreen Dave at 09051572611 or Patricia Lacuesta at 09269514266.

Aristang Artlets is the Official Theater Guild of the Faculty of Arts and Letters of the University of Santo Tomas.


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