KAPNAYAN 2019 [event]

Kapnayan 2019

Kapnayan 2019

The UPLB Chemical Society, a duly recognized academic organization with a primary objective of promoting enthusiasm for and awareness in the field of Chemistry, will be hosting KAPNAYAN 2019, a nationwide Chemistry fair, which will be held on January 14-19, 2019 at the University of the Philippines Los Baños.

KAPNAYAN is a triennial, weeklong Chemistry fair consisting of activities revolving around a specific theme. This year’s theme, “Sustainable Development Through Advancements in Green Chemistry and Renewable Energy Technology”, focuses on the role of Chemistry in producing alternative energy sources with minimal environmental hazard while ensuring the quality of sustainable human development.

The weeklong event, which is the fifteenth Chemistry fair to be hosted by the organization, will feature various activities such as seminars, exhibits, audio-visual presentations, educational tours and nature trips, extemporaneous speech, essay-writing, investigatory projects, poster-making contests, photo contest, the Chemical Magic Show, and the much anticipated nationwide Chemistry Quiz Contest.

The organization is recognizing the crucial role of the youth in addressing social, economic, and environmental issues along with the members of the local scientific community in an attempt to influence the masses to respond to the struggle of ensuring safe human development. Through these activities, the UPLB Chemical Society aims to empower the youth to immerse themselves into scientific courses that may address the needs of the environment, and in the long run, of all life.

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