When Love is a matter of when, not why

“In the last 5 years, what have you learned about yourself as a person and what lesson did it teach you?”

This was the question posted to us by the cast of “The Last 5 Years.” It is profound for it makes you think and look back on who you were before, the things that you did, and the decisions that you have made and consequently, the repercussions of the decisions that you have made. It is deep, so deep at times that a lot of people would refuse to look into the answer.

For some though, like Cathy and Jamie, they look into the last 5 years of their lives from different points of view; one starts from the beginning to the end while the other starts from the end and reminisces back to the beginning.

Nikki Gil and Joaquin Valdes at the press conference of The Last 5 Years
Nikki Gil and Joaquin Valdes at the press conference of The Last 5 Years

When love is a matter of when, not why

On their 5th year, Philstage Gawad Buhay Awardee 9Works theatrical invites you to take a look at the lives of two lovers, rising novelist Jamie Wellerstein and actress Cathy Hyatt. We hear their stories with their version of “he says, she says” and we hear about the all too familiar girl meets boy, they fall in love, they make bad decisions and things fall apart but this time accompanied with the raw and heartbreaking music of James Robert Brown.

Nikki Gil returns to 9Works Theatrical as Cathy Hyatt. This time around, she no longers plays the role of the giddy, forever in love with the idea of being in love Charity from Sweet Charity but that of the broken down woman who wonders what has happened to the love she once had. Joaquin Valdes plays Jamie Wellerstein who is a rising novelist that makes the wrong decisions that sabotages his own happiness.

[stextbox id=”astig”]“The Last Five Years” will melt your hearts at the CPR Auditorium, RCBC Plaza in Makati, all weekends from August 9 to 31, 2014, Friday and Saturday galas at 8pm, Saturday matinees at 3:30pm and Sunday matinees at 4pm.

For tickets and other inquiries, please call 586.7105 or 0917.554.5560 or email info at 9workstheatrical dot com.

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Twitter: @9WTonline
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