Here’s a fun fact: We, as humans, grew a liking to carbohydrate-rich foods because of its scarcity thousands of years ago. Carbs had always been a quick source of energy, and back then hunting and foraging to feed a village took a long time. So any chance we could to stock up on the brain food mattered!
Cave Men No More

Times have changed, and we don’t live in a cave anymore. We don’t need a lot of carbohydrates in our system, despite the fact that it’s easy to grow rich sources of them (i.e. rice, wheat, etc.) So instead of using up carbs, our bodies store them, turning us into a groundbreaking (literally?) generation of fatties! Like everything else in life, sugar in excessive amounts can cause hormonal imbalance, disrupting insulin production, leading to poor estrogen and testosterone levels, affecting mood and energy.
It’s just a domino effect of health concerns! This is why we need to cut back on excess, in this case carbs, ASAP!
A Possible Solution to Weight Loss
Eat in moderation, and within your daily calorie limit. It’s that simple. Since weaning yourself off the carb-craving can be difficult, it is recommended to tweak your diet and turn to foods rich in protein and high in fiber, which can quickly make your tummy feel full. By keeping you tummy feeling full for a longer time, you won’t want to fill your gut with (high-calorie) sweets.
Now if you find that the change from breakfast donuts to string beans too intimidating and drastic, opt for pre-packed meals instead! Make things easy with food delivered to your doorstep.
We mentioned in a nutrition-related post last month and we’re mentioning them again. These guys (apart from free delivery and a discount code for Astig readers, yisss!) also offer a low-carb, high-protein option to help with weight loss.
They are highly recommended since they deliver tasty foods that help boost metabolism and stave off hunger pangs. They come up with a variety of meals every day, making sure to avoid repetition so they don’t bore you. Their carb options have a low glycemic index–foods that do not drastically raise blood glucose–such as kidney beans, lentils, leafy vegetables and sweet potatoes. They also use spices spice things up!
See and Feel the Benefits
Just think: Once you have lowered excess sugars from your diet, you will be able to lower your insulin levels, helping you shed pounds fairly easily. You’ll be able to get rid of your bulging tummy and your mood swings. Veggies can help improve your skin appearance. Plus people around you including your wife/husband/gf/bf will notice a better, brighter disposition. This is because, not only will you look good, but you will feel good too!
Eager to see/feel a new, better you? Join me in my weight loss adventure (I myself have lost 5 pounds so far, so I’m pretty optimistic!) and let’s try Pickle together.
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Discover how the low carb, high protein diet will work for you!