MyPocketDoctor Card :the first telemedicine app in the Philippines

How many times have you seen a friend posting on facebook her rant about waiting for the doctor to come and have them checkup.  Everyone is busy and especially us mom who takes care not only our family our household but have a career or business as well.

Health is important but there are times when you are just fed up because the time that you allotted to have your check up seems to take up almost your whole day even though you already had a prior appointment.

We already spent an hour or more on traffic and yet we need to spend a little more because of the waiting game with our doctor

Now, for the good news

What if I told you that you could have a checkup without even leaving your home?

Yes, you can do this by having your own Mypocketdoctor card

All you need is your gadget which I know you have, you can call them, Skype them, email them your lab result and have your prescription on line.

Here are the things you need to know when availing this unique and useful product:

  1. a) Register on the MyPocketDoctor website (


  1. b) Download the application through the App Store for iOS or Google Play Store for Android users. You can also choose to register via text to 29290DOCTOR (or 2929036­2867). A nurse will contact you shortly to assist you in completing a one­time registration; this includes a thorough assessment to fill up your Electronic Patient Journal (EPJ).


  1. c) After you get your coupon code by purchasing the MyPocketDoctor card through ( and partner HMOs), consultations can be requested through SMS, the application or through the website. The MyPocketDoctor card and coupon code will soon be available through different partners and establishments. More easy payment options are available as MyPocketDoctor expands its partnership with network providers and payment systems across the country.


  1. d) Video consultations can be done depending on the internet connection and when the doctor and/or patient require the need to do so.

MyPocketDoctor is available for only four hundred fifty pesos (Php 450.00).

Quality medical advice is now just a few clicks away with MyPocketDoctor, the first telemedicine app in the Philippines.

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Lariza Garcia

I' m a mother of 5 wonderful kids who loves everything under the sun that gives me happiness.