Pinoy Firm Renderbee Kick Starts the Virtual 3D Design Revolution

Architectural rendering using 2D images or animation has changed in leaps and bounds over the years. Today, the name of the game is architectural virtualization where new technology helps the architect and his client to view the proposed design in high-quality 3D stills and animated walkthroughs.

Synergy88, the IT conglomerate led by its managing director and co-founder Jackie Chua, is at the forefront of virtual 3D architectural design in the country. She says,“Our subsidiary Renderbee is the first mainstream service provider to offer the 3D experience using the architect’s blueprint. Imagine roaming around a virtual building/house/condo development even before construction begins. That’s what we can deliver to clients.”

Real estate developers, architectural firms, professionals and students regularly use architectural visualization in their promotional campaigns and 3D rendering of their projects greatly enhances their marketing pitch.

The service also benefits interested buyers who are located overseas or those who would like to take advantage of pre-selling rates prior to the construction phase. They can practically have a look and feel of a house or condo unit that has yet to be built and plan ahead to their satisfaction.

“Architectural Virtualization is the next step in Philippine architecture,” adds Maricar Nepomuceno, Renderbee’sChief Executive Officer. “Now people can translate their works into an actual 3D rendered image so that they can attract their clients to buy their property or approve their architectural plans.”

“There is a large demand for these services especially in our niche market, the real estate industry, since there are very few foreign companies who offer these kinds of services.”

The Diamond Heights by WeeComm Developers is a perfect example. The video takes the viewer to a walk in, around and even on top of the Diamond Heights community in synch with how the developers envision it. In 3D animation, it transports viewers close enough to stroll along the streets get inside the virtual homes and visit the club house.

Big Differences

Renderbee is unique because it is the only local studio that offers the virtualization service at a competitive price. All of its equipment, crew and facilities are located in one data center so it’s a one-stop shop for quick and easy client servicing.   It also caters to both SMEs with limited budgets as well as to larger-scale developers with bigger resources.

Synergy88’s Chua stresses that their turnaround time is at least five times faster than their nearest competitor. “Key to our speed in delivery is our in-house render farm facility. The other studios can’t match our speed and quality because they do not have an in-house render farm. In contrast, we have very own data center in the country.”

The Renderbee team began as a spin-off of the Synergy 88 Group of Companies. As its management looked for ways to complement its IT solutions and its pool of creative designers and artists, the idea came up for a new company that will use Synergy88’s production servers.

Thus, Renderbee design studio,the first Filipino-owned mainstream render farm in the Philippines, was born up and running to offer architectural virtualization (3D animation) and render farm processing. It embodies the future of real estate marketing available right now.

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