R3D Global (ASX: R3D) unveiled a revolutionary, next generation blockchain-based universal certification platform called DigiCerts ™ at the 3rd National Technology Business Incubator (TBI) Summit on November 20, which is part of Philippine Startup Week 2019. R3D Global is also promoting a new pilot programme for issuing educational certificates to graduates on the blockchain network. Among the first institutions to onboard the programme are DSLU Animo Labs Foundation Inc., Siliman University, Samar State University and the University of Southeastern Philippines.
DigiCerts™ is the latest technology project embraced by R3D Global. It utilises a blockchain technology protocol, which is a secure and tamper-resistant platform. Users of DigiCerts™ are given ownership of their digital assets and will be able to share directly with anyone who requires access. The system replaces traditional paper-based certificates, providing security, permanence and accessibility while abating potential fraud cases.
“DigiCerts™ will allow educational institutions to issue digital certificates as proof of achievement or completion. We are excited to cater Digicerts™ in the Philippines and add value to the global certificate issuance process for the universities and their students,” said Florence Fang, CEO of R3D Global.

“The EduTech market is a huge opportunity with over 2,300 university and colleges in the Philippines alone,” she added.
Educational fraud is prevalent and one in four resumes contain inaccuracies about educational background1. The global upsurge of educational fraud threatens to devalue higher education and undermines academic integrity whilst harming institutional reputations. DigiCerts™ fosters security and trust without the need for an intermediary to validate transactions in the education sector. At the same time, it transforms job applications as DigiCerts™ allows employers to check on a new hire’s credentials through a secure registry of academic qualifications.
1source: https://hackernoon.com/blockchain-could-revolutionize-education-next-heres-how-1b720bdf5945
“The certificate that the University issues is proof of a student’s award and is a unique and valuable document. Every year, especially during the graduation period, the amount of time spent on preparing certificates and transcripts is laborious. Furthermore, requests for replacement certificates and transcripts can only be issued if the original certificate has been lost or damaged, and the University reserves the right not to issue a duplicate. Certificates are signed individually by an official in the University,” said Meddy Mangaring, Dean of the College of Engineering of Samar State University.
“With DigiCerts™ in place, we look forward to labour-savings and a fast, efficient and secure way to issue certificates that are the most valuable to a graduate,” he added.
About R3D Global Limited (ASX: R3D)
R3D Global Limited (ASX: R3D) is an investor relations and public relations firm with a strong specialisation in digital media and technologies within the Asia Pacific region. R3D is headquartered in Sydney, Australia with operations across Asia. Backed by a management team with vast financial market and public relations experience, R3D provides disruptive, dynamic and digitally integrative marketing solutions to companies interested to reach out to new markets. For more information, please visit www.r3d.com.au.