Pro-rape t-shirt at SM Boy’s Section used stolen design?

It's not rape it's a snuggle with a struggle SM Department Store foulmouthshirts
It's not rape it's a snuggle with a struggle SM Department Store foulmouthshirts

MANILA, Philippines – (UPDATED) “It’s not rape it’s a snuggle with a struggle”, screams one offensive t-shirt being sold at the Boy’s Section of the SM Department Store. The message dismisses rape as a casual act, comparing it to a snuggle which can be even be considered innocent and normal.

Karen Kunawicz, a Filipina journalist, uploaded the photo on social media site Facebook Monday night with the following message:

Really SM Department Store? In the boy’s section?
“It’s Not Rape, It’s A Snuggle With A Struggle?”
SM–the same mall that has the daily angelus and refused to show Tim Burton’s “Sweeney Todd” in the cinemas?
Boys listen to Tita Karen–if a girl says NO and pushes you away, just err on the side of caution, she likely means NO. And go watch “Sweeney Todd.”

"It's not rape it's a snuggle with a struggle" as it originally appears on
“It’s not rape it’s a snuggle with a struggle” as it originally appears on

The design also appears on, a online store that sells t-shirts with similar vulgar, offensive designs.

The practice of using designs stolen from the Internet and using it on local merchandise is not new. It has not been confirmed if the manufacturers of the t-shirt had permission to use the design from

This is a case of things gone horribly wrong. There are three issues:

  1. The design itself is offensive and done in poor taste. It dismisses rape as a casual act and takes it lightly.
  2. The shirt is being sold in the Boy’s section of the SM Department store, which sells clothing for young boys
  3. The design might have been stolen from an online store

SM Department Store has since pulled out the offending design from its stores. The following message was posted on The SM Store Facebook page at 3PM:

We have been informed via sociall media that we have a t-shirt in stock with a message that we too find unacceptable.

We do not tolerate such action. SM does not support such irresponsible and malicious acts that mock important and sensitive social issues. We have immediately pulled out all the t-shirts of the consignor that distributes them, and we are investigating why it was included in our delivery of assorted t-shirts.

Appropriate action will be takent o ensure this does not happen again. Thank you for informing us.
