Team Yey: First Ever Locally Produced Show on Digital Free TV in PH

Television entertainment for kids just got more exciting as YEY, the country’s first local all-day children’s channel exclusively aired on ABS-CBN TVplus, brings “ Team Yehey”, a new show that features six kids sharing their talents and skills each of the week

The six kids were formally introduce to the media during a presscon held at the ELJ Bldg. The children show off their different talents through dance. A question and answer portion was also held for the media to get to know the kids and story behind “TEAM YEY”

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The first ever locally produce kid’s how on digital TV, TEAM YEY showcase daily activities which feature dancing, food preparation, arts and crafts, sports , storytelling, music and fun challenges. One activity is highlighted per day with one Team Yey taking the lead

The cool adventure on Team Yey will be led by talented kids who define kiddie squad goals in a fun way


Monday: Galaw Go, features Dance Kids finalist AJ Urquia showing a variety of cool dance moves

Tuesday: Snaks Naman, features Mitch Naco preparing tasty kiddie dishes in a fun way

Wednesday: Hanna Vito takes on the spotlight in ARtstig where imagination and resourcefulness come to life through arts and crafts

Thursday: Get physical in Game? Play hosted by young athlete and vloggger Sam Shoaf. Sam introduces sports that kids can try like basketball and traditional Filipino games.

Friday: child storyteller and commercial model Raven Cajunguiran narrates heartfelt stories on Storyey where magical stories come alive in mini theater

Saturday focus on music with the Voice Kids season 1 contestant Luke Alford. Sound Check sparks interest in music through inspiring sons and musical instruments

As the week hits Sunday, the Team Yey members participate in engaging dares and challenges via Sunday Fun Day wherein they all try out experiments and games that encourages them to do new things.

Learn , Play and try your best everyday with AJ, Mitch, Hannah, Sam, Raven and Luke by watching Team Yey starting on June 19 ( Sunday) at 8:30 am and 2: 20 pm with daily replay at 9:40 pm. It will air regularly on weekdays at 8:30 am and 4: 2 pm and weekends at 8:30 am and 2:20pm on YEY

YEY is a free and exclusive channel on digital TV via ABS-CBN Plus.

For more information, visit


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Lariza Garcia

I' m a mother of 5 wonderful kids who loves everything under the sun that gives me happiness.