Twitter is still king, but Threads is catching up in Asia and The Philippines

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PHILIPPINES – Meta’s new social network, Threads, has made a splash in Southeast Asia, with impressive early adoption rates and a “back to zero” mindset where everything is still fresh and shiny. According to a study conducted by Milieu Insight, Southeast Asia’s leading consumer research company, 3 in 10 people across Singapore, Thailand, and the Philippines have downloaded the app within just five days of its launch. The highest adoption rate was observed in the Philippines at an impressive 41%.

The study aimed to explore the engagement of Southeast Asians on Threads and examine the potential shift in usage between Threads and Twitter. Among those who have downloaded Threads, just under half (47%) indicated that they use the app occasionally, while 1 in 5 indicated regular usage. Additionally, among users who have downloaded the app, 44% in Singapore, 63% in Thailand, and 60% in the Philippines have posted threads since the launch.

These findings highlight the app’s potential for fostering user-generated content and encouraging discussions. The majority of users in Thailand and the Philippines (83%) have engaged on app by liking, reposting, or sharing threads. However, among respondents in Singapore who have downloaded the app, only 53% have actively participated in a thread.

Threads also has a youthful appeal in Singapore. Among those aged 16-34, 7 have heard of Meta’s new app, compared to the Singapore average of 61%. However, only about 1 in 4 of this demographic have downloaded the Threads app, indicating room for further growth among Singaporean youths.

Despite its early success, Twitter still emerged as the preferred platform among both Threads and Twitter users. About half of those surveyed (49%) across Singapore, Thailand, and the Philippines indicated their preference for Twitter – highest in Thailand at 60%. Additionally, one in five respondents mentioned not having a preference.

Marketers have praised Threads and its ability enhance their copy game. It allows them to unfold their brand stories in a compelling and progressive manner. By gradually revealing various aspects of their brand, marketers can create an immersive storytelling experience and engage directly with their audience.

As Threads continues to roll out new features and gain traction among users, it will be interesting to see how the dynamics between Twitter and Threads evolve. Milieu Insight will be actively tracking usage and monitoring engagement to provide valuable insights into this emerging social media landscape.

Click here for more information about Milieu Insight’s study on Threads’ engagement in Southeast Asia and access to the full dataset and images.

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