Woman, Create: 365 Wonders 2016 Planner [event]

woman create 365 wonders

woman create 365 wonders

MANILA, Philippines – “All Universes must start somewhere.” Woman, Create presents the first edition of 365 Wonders 2016 Planner, a planner / art book featuring talented local artists, writers, illuminators and dreamers across the city. For 365 days, this book will be your excuse to create, scribble, think, ideate and find inspiration in your everyday; a reason to jump-start your creative journey and enrich the Universe found within you.

Find truth and comfort in the art, stories, thoughtful meanderings, poetry, lines, insights and experiences of strangers you will never meet, except through this book.

Are you ready to take the next dip into your creative wonders?

Pre-order from November 10 – November 28, 2015 will receive 20% discount. Original price is PHP 999. Click here to preorder.

What: Woman, Create: 365 Wonders launch
When: November 28, 2015 4 PM – 10 PM
Where: Heima Brixton, Kapitolyo
This is a FREE event

Pre-ordered planners can be picked up on launch date, or be shipped (inclusive PHP 100 shipping fee). Shipping of planners occurs after launch date.

Save the date! Woman, create launches on November 28, 2015 at Heima Brixton in Kapitolyo
Save the date! Woman, create launches on November 28, 2015 at Heima Brixton in Kapitolyo

Launch event will include a special Postcard Exhibit featuring all your contributed works. Live performances by Clara Benin, Toni B, Dearest, Luxe Calip, Ja Quintana and other surprise performances and creative talks will occur.

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