Earlier this year there was much debate about Rodrigo Duterte’s decision to run for President of the Philippines in the 2016 national elections.
The question used to be: Is he going to run, or is he not going to run?
Now that the Davao Mayor made his candidacy official, the debate goes on, except the question now becomes:
Should we or should we not vote for Rodrigo Duterte?
So much that even popular showbiz personalities and celebrities such as Mocha Unson and Jim Paredes could not help chime in with their own thoughts – passionately, if we may add.
A recent survey by SWS revealed that Duterte is leading in the polls by 38 percent, a whopping 17 percentage points above Senator Grace Poe and Vice President Jejomar Binay.
With a possible Duterte Presidency at hand, it becomes a very important debate for a lot of Filipinos – especially for those who have yet to make a decision.
Earlier we posted 3 reasons why you should NOT vote for Rodrigo Duterte. Today, we bring to you a list of reasons why you should vote for Rodrigo Duterte, posted taken from PinoyTube.
Read on and decide for yourself.
1. He is a lawyer and not your typical “supers star” candidate

It had been so popular and common that we always had to choose some of those less qualified candidate running for political position. I am not generalizing the idea that “Superstar candidate are less qualified to run for the presidential election; Juan is a superstar candidate therefore Juan is not qualified to run for the position”.
There are still those superstar candidates that are still qualified for the position. There are also those that are legally qualified but not qualified in terms of several aspects. But who are these superstar candidates? These candidates are those who uses not their own identity but the indent of others for them for look qualified and worth for the position.
My father is a is a good leader, my husband serves with heart, I follow the footsteps of my parents, I will continue the objectives of our leaders. They are those who uses other’s identity for them to look qualified and a better candidate. The truth is; it does not follow to them if they practice that identify for the reason that they will still act according to themselves and not by way of the identity of other.
Mayor Duterte is a layer and does not use the identity of others for him to advance his own identity. His identity had been admired out of a good leadership.
2. He is a Logical Disciplinarian not a Logical Violator

There is no such a thing as absolute freedom that is why we need a law to govern our freedom for us to be disciplined and not to abuse the freedom that we have. Simple laws are in need to be followed and must help us to our own good. But there are still laws that are problematic and doesn’t provide logical reason why we need to follow them. I admit that some of our laws are indeed illogical and there are some that are even nonsense and our political leaders are implementing them. They follow their own implemented law without considering how logical it is and members of the society suffers out our leader’s errors.
On the other hand, Mayor Durterte only consider those laws that are essentially logical and with less errors. His disciplinary action as to provide a logical reason to follow logical laws are indeed effective and everybody is following them except to those who are by core a violator of laws. He provides unprejudiced decision according to what is factual and not to what is incorrect.
3. He is not buying our votes instead we invest for his candidacy

It takes a powerful campaign and investment of buying our votes for then to won the election and as an ROI enjoy years of terms enjoying corrupting the wealth that should be provided to the welfare of the society and for the country. That was been so common to our political practice and it has the harmful potential to become a culture and that should be stopped.
Our country deserves a good leader and we deserve a country with a good leader. A leader who has no interest in personal wealth and but on gaining wealth for the country and for its people. We cannot just suffer and see them enjoy life as other is suffering and dying out of a poor leadership and concern to those who have left behind without the effort of advancing them. Our vote is not for sale and we must invest our vote to those who can give us a remarkable “return of investment”.
END of Corruption: Apart from investing our vote for Mayor Duterte is the hope that it will going to be the end of corruption. End of Corruption is one of Mayor Dutertes goal if he will be given the chance as to become the next president if the republic.
4. He stands for what is right for the country

There might be a lot of changes that he has made in Davao City that are unfamiliar to the neighboring regions of the Philippines. Other might think that Mayor Duterte is just too strict for the country and people are not ready yet for those changes. Other might fear his way of leadership but there is nothing to fear if we are just doing the right thing and follow the constitutions and the logical laws that are being implemented into our country.
Those reason might be unfamiliar to the majority of Filipinos but those are proven to be effective and it might be better for our country to be well. Something the road to a better country is hard but is visible and achievable. All we need to do is to vote for a leader that thinks for the advancement of the country and on not personal benefit.
5. He follows John Rawls’ principle of Justice

John Rawls’ is one of the highly recognized Political Philosophers who believes that justice is equal to fairness and that no one should be left behind. His main principle that justice, opportunity and common good regardless of his/her identity, races and religion should be equally distributed to all members of the society.
Thus who has much must give to those who are less for them to advance themselves and have a better life. I believe that it had been the practice of Mayor Duterte since then and I have the hope that beside having a safer country, logical laws, good governance, disciplined society we could alive at a society that have less number of misfortunate members.