by Jojo Magsakay
The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) recently lauded the KalyeSerye for “supporting the noble cause of spreading virtue, values and morality.” The segment is said to imbibe the Filipino’s traditions on how a proper relationship should be started, to respect the elders of the one a man is courting and the like.
While the CBCP may have lauded the content of the segment, it seems that the bishops and priests are blind to what is happening on social media, particularly the behavior of the Kalyeserye fans called AlDub. These fans are quick to bash anyone who is not with them. They utter foul words and pick fights everyday.
It’s one thing to promote good values on TV, but it’s alarming if its viewers and followers are doing the opposite. Judging these negative reactions spewed by AlDub, the CBCP should be alarmed by the impact of the show they praised to be value-laden. No wonder the AlDubs have been labeled as AlDogs by those who have turned off by their arrogant ways.
These rash AlDub fans are the complete opposite of the show the CBCP is lauding. They are unruly and downright bash people who do not belong to their circle. Does it not go against the values that the bishops and teachers are preaching about, that of respecting your neighbor? Bakit naman ganoon na lang ang ugali ngAlDub fans?
Take for example, the social media assassination done on Lea Salonga. Never did Lea mention anyone when she tweeted about “kababawan.” But why, oh why was it colored and use against her, trying to make it look like she is an AlDub hater? AlDub fans are paranoid and think that the world is against them. Is this the effect of watching too much Kalyeserye? Lea Salonga is way and above petty squabbles over love teams having her own career and play to worry about while in New York, yet, being the petty Filipinos that we are, if one is not part of the wagon, you are the enemy. They even threatened to boycott her broadway show in New York.
And then you have comedian and host Joey De Leon who fans the flames further encourages such attacks and keeps on acting like a child in pre-school by continuously insinuating that whatever negative comments that attack their golden cow.
The AlDogs are a mad mob. They are like wolves made to starve and ready to be unleashed to attack anyone. And Joey is like their leader whom they blindly follow. As a host, isn’t Joey’s responsibility to rein in the raucous fans? To keep them in line? But why is he doing the exact opposite? What is the use of promoting values when the host itself refrains to even recognize such?

Why feed the AlDub fans who are as rabid as dogs? Shouldn’t he be promoting fan etiquette? Why egg them on? And for the fans, why the need to constantly cyber-bully them?
Shouldn’t the hosts, the producers, and everyone behind the show be responsible for how their fans behave? They should let every AlDub fan know their limit. That not only do they have responsibilities as social media users but they have responsibilities to their idols. For if they act boorishly and inhumanely, would it not reflect back to Alden and Maine?
Will the CBCP be brave enough to take this up or are they also fearing backlash from the AlDub fans who are now being called AlDogs for barking and barking even if it’s the wrong tree?
Teaching values should begin in one’s home. If they can’t instill values among their followers and tolerate them bashing people like Lea, then there’s something wrong.
Bakit ganon CBCP?
Kapag isyung national, o kaya naman yung makakakuha kayo ng simpatya, eh mabilis pa sa alas dos ang papuri niyo? Pero bakit kapag tataliwas na, aba, hindi naman ata maramdaman?