Create Plain Text Emails Like a Pro

You have heard so many people say that you are not supposed to send plain text emails to your subscribers. These emails may prompt them to automatically place your emails to trash. There are a lot of email marketers that only focus on HTML-based emails. This is not a good practice. To be truly good in what you do, you need to know the different types of emails available.

What Are Plain-Text Emails?

You can already guess from the name what they truly are. They are emails wherein only plain text is used to get the message of the email across. You can say that they are similar to the type of text that you will get when you use the typewriter. You will not add any images nor videos to make your email interesting.

The Benefits of Using Plain Text Emails

You are actually recommended to use a multi-part email. This means that there are some parts of your email that will be HTML-based while the other parts will make use of plain text. These are some advantages that you have to know:

  • There is no need to worry that your email will be classified as SPAM.
  • There are some customers who prefer getting text-only emails. Are you surprised about this? Some just like minimalist emails that will give them the information that you need. Once again, this would depend on the type of business you have and what you sell.
  • This is simpler to do as compared to a pure HTML-based email.

How to Create Plain Text Emails Like a Pro

These are some helpful tips that will help you create plain-text emails very well:

  • Make sure that your plain text email is already optimized. Now is not the time to use auto-generated emails.
  • Allow your text to be easy to scan. Break up the words into different paragraphs and highlight the important parts.
  • Create lines in between sections to help people determine if a new topic is being talked about.

These things are going to be very important for you so that you can create plain-text emails that a lot of people will enjoy. Make sure that you create hierarchy with your plain text emails by adding some links too. – Emma Press

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